Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Cold Trinity River Reflection

            Looking out on the Trinity River for the final time, I am a little disappointed. So many things that I had previously enjoyed are no longer present. The sun is gone today, the water is even a darker, murky color than before and the warm air circling around has now turned into a brutal cold wind. Even the wildlife and greenery has disappeared from what was such a beautiful sight. Sitting here, I am eager to finishing writing so that I can enjoy the warmth of my car once again. For me, it is seems impossible to relax and reflect with a cold chill traveling up my spine, but soon I will get there.
            Obviously, winter is not my favorite time of year. I absolutely despise the goose-bumps and red nose that it causes. Not to mention the pale, dry skin that covers me and all those I run into. I am constantly applying lotion, and my legs are still covered in scales from lack of moisture. The dark circles under my eyes are prominent when my face begins to turn almost translucent. In my opinion, people are at their prettiest and their happiest when the warm glow of the sunshine is reflecting off of them. What I call “pale-pretty,” does exist, but it is few and far between. Beauty can also radiate from ones smile, which is much more likely to occur on a gorgeous summer day. A beautiful day outside shifts the entire atmosphere of those I encounter creating a positive attitude aroma.
            Winter clothing is my next compliant. I have a difficult enough time trying to decide what to wear on a day-to-day basis. For some reason, clothes just are not my thing! I am clueless when it comes what matches or what looks good together. When winter comes around, the struggle is much greater. Instead of just finding an appropriate outfit by choosing a shirt, shorts and shoes, I have to think of leggings or pants a long sleeve thermal, a shirt, a jacket, a scarf, and maybe gloves and ear warmers, too. Most of the time, I just decide to suck it up in the cold and wear one layer to save myself the distress of making such a difficult decision.
            The winter takes a toll on my body in more areas than just my skin. I have a greater desire to be looking my best when I will not be attempting to cover every inch with layered clothing. No longer do I want to go on a long relaxing run when I will be blown around by the wind and turned into an ice sickle! Snuggled up watching movies sounds like the best way to spend my time. What goes with a great holiday classic? Christmas cookies and sweet snacks of course! It is un-American to not get into the holiday spirit by decorating a gingerbread house and eating “puppy-chow” and “buck-eyes” while you do it. Warming my body by a much needed fire is always paired with devouring at least 150 calories of pure s’more goodness. And when a fire is not accessible, the holiday winter lattes are always reliable to warm your hands. 

            Although a delicious time of year, winter will never be my favorite. I am so fortunate to have always lived in Texas; I cannot even imagine my reaction to living in an area where the winter is longer and more brutal. Looking about this ugly winter scene, I will continue to dream about the days that the sun will be closer to me once again.

1 comment:

  1. Jordan - I had a similar experience at my last trip to the Trinity. It was cold and dreary, nothing like the sunny day that graced my first trip. It definitely changed my experience reflecting at the river; my thoughts weren't as happy, I was eager to leave, and I just wasn't in a good mood altogether. I felt like the poor weather had changed the river too, as I found a great deal more trash in it than before and even saw oil drifting down the river. I usually like the winter season and the warm clothes it requires, however I did not appreciate the winter weather during this visit to the Trinity.
